Woodruff Custom Furniture Vernon, VT
(802) 380-3523
Butcher Block
Stair Treads
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Butcher Block
ambrosia maple
ambrosia maple
ambrosia maple
ambrosia maple
ambrosia maple
ambrosia maple
Ambrosia Maple
Ambrosia Maple Bartop
Ambrosia Maple Bartop
Ambrosia Maple Butcherblock
ambrosia maple close up
Ambrosia maple plank
Ambrosia Maple Plank
Ambrosia Maple Plank
Ambrosia Maple Plank
Ambrosia Maple Plank
Ambrosia maple plank top
ambrosia maple with oil
Beveled edge oak top
Birdseye Maple Bar Top
Birdseye Maple Bar Top
Butcher Block
- $25 per square foot
Butcher Block
Butcher Block
Butcherblock strips
butcherblock strips 2
butcherblock strips set out
cherry island with poly
Cherry kitchen 1
Cherry kitchen 2
Cherry kitchen 3
Cherry kitchen 4
cherry top
cherry top
Cherry tops
Cherry tops 2
Cherry tops 3
Cherry tops 4
cherry with poly
country maple top
Curl maple island
custom 12/4 top
Custom bar 2
custom cherry
custom cherry
custom cherry
custom cherry
custom cherry
custom counters
custom counters
custom cutting board platter
custom cutting board platter
custom maple & walnut top
custom round tops
custom top
custom top
Custom walnut & maple bar
Custom walnut sink top with cutting board insert
custom walnut top
Custom walnut top 2
cutting board
cutting board
finished maple tops
group shot 1
group shot 2
hard maple
hard maple
Hard Maple
Hard Maple
hard maple with granite center
hard maple with granite center
hard maple with poly
IMG 1581
IMG 1582
large walnut island
lg. round walnut
lg. round walnut
maple counter section
maple edge
maple grain
maple island
maple island
Maple island
Maple island
maple island 2
maple top
maple top 3
maple top 4
maple top 5
maple top edge detail
maple top with lots of brown
maple top with poly
maple with poly
maple with poly
maple with walnut
maple with walnut
multi species
multi species
multi species 2
Multi species, maple, walnut & cherry
Multi species, walnut, maple, cherry
overhead view
plank top ambrosia maple
random width strip multi species
Raw hickory wide plank top
Raw maple top next to cherry top
red oak 2
red oak 3
red oak 4
red oak custom island
slight beveled edge
soft maple
soft maple
soft maple
soft maple
soft maple
soft maple
Soft maple top
Soft maple top 2
soft maple with poly
soft maple with poly
soft maple with poly
soft maple with poly
Walnut Butcherblock
Walnut center island
walnut close up
walnut close up
Walnut counters
walnut island
walnut island top
Walnut kitchen 1
Walnut kitchen 2
Walnut kitchen 3
walnut plank desktop
walnut top
Walnut top with oil finish
walnut top with oil finish side view
walnut with poly
walnut with poly
walnut with poly
walnut with poly
white oak with poly
wide plank ash top
zip bolt bottom view
Zipbolt Joint w/ Pegs
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